Get It Deeper In Denver
Once people try Ashiatsu massage, they never go back to traditional massage techniques. At Denver Deep, enjoy a pain-free, bruise-free deep tissue massage of the deeper muscle layers, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues. We specialize in ONLY providing Ashiatsu to extend the best deep tissue massage in Denver.
Ashiatsu helps to elongate the spine, soothing spinal nerves and connective tissue. It supports greater fascial movement and increases range of motion and athleticism.
Ashiatsu massage is an effective bodywork treatment for treating and preventing all types of athletic injuries. Most clients report significant decreases pain with amazing increases in range of motion and athletic performance. Clients with sports or repetitive strain injuries receiving this type of massage often find they are even more flexible after the sessions than before they were injured.
Ashiatsu provides a depth of massage therapy unmatched by other techniques. Gravity allows the practitioner to apply more weight and pressure than in a traditional deep tissue massage. The therapist is able to sink deeper into the tissues, while being able to maintain deeper, slower, and more consistent compressive strokes. The effectiveness comes from treating all layers of your tissue and your entire body as a whole.
Ashiatsu stimulates the lymphatic and parasympathetic nervous systems faster from using long, expansive head to toe strokes. After a session, experience a greater sense of well being, improvement of bodily functions, and the best night of sleep that you have ever had.
“The best investment you can make is in yourself”
- Warren Buffett
Meet your Massage Therapist
Your pain is Patty's passion. She has made it her mission to help people transform pain, trauma, and injuries, into living their healthiest, most vibrant, stress-free, life possible.
live your biggest and most wonderful life possible...
Without Pain